Friday, June 15, 2012

Jumping in with both feet...

You ever get that nagging feeling that just won't go away until you do something about it? Well I've had that feeling for the past few days. I started to feel stalled on my current knitting project, mainly because I don't want to seam it yet to see how I would like to attach the sleeves. I know it'll be a really cute sweater once it's done, but I guess I just don't have the drive to finish it right now...So for me that meant absolutely no knitting for about a week (utter craziness for me, I'm usually never without a project!)

So I've had this design idea floating around in my head, ever since I had started my love affair with the Shapely Boyfriend Cardigan ( I kid you not, I've already made 4 and have plans for at least another 5 or so...ha!). I have a leftover skein of Sprout in the Vivid Fuschia colorway from my Pebble Beach top and have 5 skeins in the Summer Rain colorway that were supposed to grow up to be the Manana Cardigan. However, that's the problem with impulse buying based on a trunk show...I bought the booklet for the yarn, bought the yarn to make the top and two different cardigans, made a cardigan (that I really don't wear anymore) made the top, really am not in love with it (sometimes bulky yarns just don't work for bustier gals), have been pondering if I really want to make the cardigan (which I decided I didn't) what's a girl to do?

I've been spending time on ravelry (if I'm not knitting I might as well at least be looking at knitting), looking at different cardigan styles and stripe patterns and weights of yarn used, and then decided that the only way to have a sweater made out of that bulky yarn is to make it myself!

So last night I pulled out my notebooks, my gauge check, knitting needles, yarn and my Custom Knits book and got to work. I started off with my gauge swatch, checked my stitches to the inch (normally I should have washed my swatch, but I've made other garments with this yarn and found that my gauge doesn't change too much after the knitting is washed), did some measuring and calculations based on the instructions in the book and got to it! It's really not much right now, just a few rows and scribbles in a notebook. I am, however, determined to keep my notebook up to date with my pattern info, because who knows, this could be the beginning of something!