Friday, February 11, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

I haven't updated in a fingers have been far too busy knitting to do just about anything else! I've gotten a lot done in the last few weeks though...let's see...

The most recent finished project is my Mobius Cowl...I love it, such pretty colors and a nice mindless knit... :)

I also FINALLY finished a pair of wristwarmers for myself, of my own design!

Marybeth loved them so much that she bought me yarn so I can make her a pair...which I find hysterical since I just finished her wristwarmers (another of my designs) :)

I also just finished a baby hat for a college friend that is due in March, gonna get it and some cute thumbless mitts in the mail to her tomorrow. :) Baby stuff is just too much fun to make!

So what am I doing this weekend to keep busy? I'm starting a new surprise project for two friends that are expecting their second baby in March...I really hope that they like the end result...and due to the color choice I really hope that the doctor is sure that it's a boy!

Okies, my fingers are getting itchy...I really wanna start my new baby project, and work on my third Handmade by Bekah original design...a surprise for an amazing friend that I'm hoping to get done this weekend! :)