Saturday, November 5, 2011

Counting, Counting, Counting...

Have you ever taken a sweater and actually calculated the number of stitches that you knit? I never really thought about it before joining NaKniSweMo this year. I've been keeping track so far and I'm 10,920 stitches in already...It feels crazy knowing that I've already knit that many stitches! The minimum mark to hit it 50,000, so knowing that it's only November 5th and I'm a fifth of the way there makes me happy...I'm about an inch or two away from starting waist shaping too, that's always a happy goal to hit when knitting a sweater!

Back to knitting!

Friday, November 4, 2011

NaKniSweMo 2011 Among Other Things...

Sometimes I think I'm crazy when it comes to knitting...other times I know I am! Ha! This is one of those times where I know I am!

I decided to join the NaKniSweMo for this year. What is NaKniSweMo you ask? It's National Knit a Sweater Month, which runs alongside of NaNoWriMo, which is National Novel Writing Month. The rules are that you can't start your sweater until November 1st, you have to finish by November 30th, and your sweater has to be about 50,000 stitches. That seems like a lot, I know, but really just about any sweater will fit the bill.

I have chosen to do Ardara by Carol Feller. I won her book on Ravelry in September and in October there was a gorgeous worsted weight colornep yarn on sale from Galway. I scooped up a sweater's worth and am totally in love with the color!!

Gauge Swatch for Ardara!

So now on top of all of the other knitting that I have to do I'm adding this in. I figure I usually knit a sweater in a week to two weeks, so extending this out to a month shouldn't really be that big of a deal. It has a crazy amount of cables in it but I can't wait to make it. I think it'll be my most complicated sweater to date!

So what's on my needles? Well I need to start and finish a Christmas stocking order by mid-November. Planning on picking up the rest of the yarn for it tonight so I can get started. The knitting itself shouldn't take me that long, which is good. I also have three orders for my knit wristwarmers, so I would like to get those done too, each pair will take about 16 hours to knit, so that's not a big problem. I do like to change things up for each wristwarmer so the pattern isn't ever really the same. I have the Saroyan knit-a-long that I'm also participating in. I think I'm about one third to halfway done on that. I have to have that one finished by December 15th. Plus Christmas knitting! I would like to go to my godparents again for the Christmas Expo so that means that I should have something knit up for them when I go. Maybe a nice manly hat for my Uncle Ed and wristwarmers with a matching hat for Aunt Pat. Mom is getting a few knit items this year. Plus a few knit things for friends at work. Hmmmmm...have I taken on too much? Probably, but I like a challenge!