Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wait...it's almost May???

So...I do not know where this year has went so far. What I do know is that I have been crazy busy with life and knitting...I haven't gotten as much knitting done as I would like...but still a decent amount (most of my friends still say that I knit like crazy...). I've completed three cardigans, a short sleeve summer sweater, a tank top and am currently working on a cardigan for a coworker, and a short sleeve cardigan for myself.

May will be bringing warmer temperatures and also a good chunk of knitting time. I will be spending a lot of time at home in PA with my mom, so that should produce a few completed projects.

So here are links to my finished projects so far:
Cardigan #1 - Boyfriend of Coffee and Sea
Cardigan #2 - A girl can never have too many boyfriends
Cardigan #3 - I love my neon boyfriend!
Sweater #1 - Fuschia Pebbles
Summer Tank - Birthday Helio

Not bad for almost four months into the year...probably by the end of the month I'll have my coworkers sweater finished and be well underway on my spring cardigan!