Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh how the time flies...

It's been a while since I've posted, and I have definitely been working on TONS of projects. I finished my first pair of socks! They're so warm and toasty, and everyone that's seen them loves them too!

Currently I have a sweater on needles, and am going to be frogging another sweater, maybe two, that I started and using the yarn for something else. There's also a new pair of socks that I'm working on, trying out a simple pattern since the yarn is cute enough on its own. I think I may have 3 different afghans that I'm working on, one is going to be a Christmas present for one of my closest friends.

I have a long list of Christmas presents for friends, and I should be able to post my works in progress without them knowing since none of them read this!! But I'm pretty sure that almost no one reads this!

I'll definitely be trying to keep this updated more often, so the next few posts will probably just be pictures of all of my finished projects!