Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Needles, Needles and More Needles

I seem to have so many projects on needles currently. I love everything I'm doing, but am incredibly daunted by the huge list of Christmas Projects that I want to make...It may just be Christmas in January...and February...and March...and on and on...I know that I have enough projects and ideas swimming inside of my head to last me an incredibly long time!

Recently I finished my girlfriend's shrug for her wedding reception in three weeks. It looks awesome and I fell in love with the patterns and the way it turned out (especially since it only took me 2 days to make!) so I'll be making a similar one for me for her wedding (gotta love that I'm making a shrug when I have absolutely no idea what dress I'll even be wearing to her wedding! But that's how I roll...) It has all my favorite colors in it and the yarn is just oh so yummy!!

I still have so many other pictures to upload, and once I get everything transferred over from my old laptop I'll be updating...but at the rate that I go, who knows how long that will be...knitting is just far more enjoyable than anything else. :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh how the time flies...

It's been a while since I've posted, and I have definitely been working on TONS of projects. I finished my first pair of socks! They're so warm and toasty, and everyone that's seen them loves them too!

Currently I have a sweater on needles, and am going to be frogging another sweater, maybe two, that I started and using the yarn for something else. There's also a new pair of socks that I'm working on, trying out a simple pattern since the yarn is cute enough on its own. I think I may have 3 different afghans that I'm working on, one is going to be a Christmas present for one of my closest friends.

I have a long list of Christmas presents for friends, and I should be able to post my works in progress without them knowing since none of them read this!! But I'm pretty sure that almost no one reads this!

I'll definitely be trying to keep this updated more often, so the next few posts will probably just be pictures of all of my finished projects!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

No Fear! A Journey for My Foot...My First Sock Experience

I got what I asked for for Christmas, my Harmony 4" DPN for Socks...in 6 sizes...as well as my Harmony Options Interchangeable Needles...which I love! So I decided to purchase some yummy sock yarn and make a few pairs...like 5...which I may either keep for myself or give away...haven't decided...I did purchase the colorways that I love though...so I may just have to buy more sock yarn! Knitpicks has beautiful colorways that are very affordably priced...

So anyway...the pattern I picked was Waterfall...and as it turns out it is a toe-up pattern (which I like since you can't run out of yarn before you finish!) but it was kinda complicated to figure out at first...but I mastered it! My motto is No Fear! I just jump in and see what I can do...I'll never know unless I try!

I've been taking pictures every day to show my progress...which sometimes doesn't seem like a whole lot when I'm using size 0 needles! It's like working with toothpicks!

So here is my sock after I did my magic cast-on:

This is the following night when I completed 4 of the pattern repeats:

And as of last night this is how much was accomplished:

So far I'm loving it!!